Wednesday, October 12, 2011

White Paint Removed from Fireplace

Remember the wooden paneled livingroom wall (pics shown in other blog post)
Remember they painted the brick fireplace white!?
We chemically treated the white paint off and this is what was exposed:
A red brick fireplace with a Blue Marble Mantle and terracotta tiles

Dig Dug

Jack Hammers.  3 days of Jack Hammers. 
Our sometimes flooded basement just got a necessary NEW SUPER SUMP PUMP and a FRENCH DRAIN.  What a process!?  What a difference already!? 
We also put in a few new structural posts in the basement to help our foundation hold up the floors. 

Old houses need everything.  Ugh.
There was even a hole in the basement wall so we could see through to the outside.  Had to cement and fill those holes.  Sorry mice and who knows what other rodents...Stay outside this winter!