Thursday, April 19, 2012

DIY BackYard Gardening

The poor back yard has been so neglected. 
Weeds everywhere, seedling trees deeply rooted, crazy ivy ..... it is almost un-manageable except for professional assistance, but I am trying!
My new favorite tools are the AXE, the saw, and the hedge clippers!

I used some of the old bricks from the rebuilt carport column job and placed them around one of the beds.  I guess it looks alright for now.  I really really want to put in a brick patio and level out the bumpy ditchy back yard.  Need to win the lottery.  :)

These pics to follow are after hours and hours of pulling ivy and weeds and trying to dig my own bed.  Notice the chopped trees.  Yes, I chopped those down with the axe.  Not close to finished, but better.

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